There’s no question that it’s your goal to feel good and look good on a date - whether it’s your first or your fifth, you want the person you’re taking out to know you put in the effort for them!
In the early days of a relationship, guys tend to focus on lunch outfit ideas, dinner dress ideas, and all types of men’s casual outfit ideas to make sure they leave a good first impression. Even if you don’t typically put much thought into your day-to-day casual outfits for men, you should definitely put it into practice when you’re taking someone out!
Putting effort into the way you look shows your date that they matter to you. Basically, your put-together date outfit lets your date know that they’re worth the time and energy you put into choosing it. Even if the date is low-key, there are so many ways to make your casual outfits for men look crisp and classy.

Sometimes, this is easier said than done. A lot of guys feel lost when it comes to casual dinner wear, lunch wear, and all types of date wear. And that’s where Perk comes in to help!
While Picking Out Your Clothes
As you’re getting ready for your date, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Time of day matters a lot for what kind of outfit you’ll choose. Casual lunch outfit ideas look different than casual dinner wear, so it’s good to know what half of the day the two of you are getting together.
- Your men’s dinner outfit ideas will be pretty specific if you’re headed out to a fancy dinner, and you’ll want to be aware of the atmosphere before you go. On the other hand, if the date simply includes a walk in the park, you’ll be set to go with a nice top and a pair of jeans.
- You should never dress like someone you’re not. But it also may benefit you to pick out clothes that complement your date’s style. If they’re ultra-fashionable and trendy, stay on pair with them. If not, feel free to stay casual.
- There’s a big difference between looking casual and looking sloppy. No matter what you have on, make sure it’s free of wrinkles and that you didn’t grab it from the dirty clothes hamper.
Some Tips and Advice
Trying to land on lunch outfit ideas and men’s dinner outfit ideas can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not used to thinking about what you wear. So, keep these tips in mind to make things easier:
- Get in touch with a friend who can look at you from the perspective of your date and give an honest assessment of your look.
- While there are most definitely ways to make pops of color work, you might want to leave that until you’re a bit more comfortable. In the beginning, stick with neutrals to make sure your outfit doesn’t overpower you.
- There’s no reason to be uncomfortable just to try and fit into parameters that society has set. Make sure you dress for the season and pick out something that isn’t an ‘out of left field’ choice for you. If you’re uncomfortable physically or style-wise all night, your date will probably be able to tell. Wear something that makes you feel like the best version of yourself, because then you’re guaranteed to look great.
Building With Basics
In order to make your casual outfits for men much easier to create, what you’ve got to do is start collecting basics. Of course, these will differ slightly depending on the time of year, but such basics can be mixed and matched to create a ton of different looks. It might take some time to build a collection, but trust us when we say that you can’t go wrong by starting off with a great pair of chinos, a few high-quality tops, a couple sweaters, and a nice-looking jacket.

Here’s a list of other basics that will benefit you:
- A white button-down shirt
- Mid/dark wash straight leg jeans
- Knitted or jersey hoodie in a solid shade
- Solid colored t-shirts in neutral colors
- A pair of black brogue shoes
- Sneakers in a neutral color
- A well-fitting pair of chinos
- A casual checkered or plaid shirt
- A neutral-colored, solid polo shirt
From this collection, there are so many casual dinner wear and lunch outfit ideas to create!
Going On A Date In Style
At Perk, we believe that confidence is the best accessory. So, if you feel good about the way you look, you’ll undoubtedly make a great first impression on your date. For more tips on style and menswear, stop by our blog.